Artist statement
/In my work I attempt to represent the experience of the sublime. My subject is often the landscape, as I am moved by its steady glory and renewal. Recently I have harnessed the iconic images of the Yosemite Valley, recognizing the familiarity of these images in allowing the viewer to enter into the work more easily. I employ many layers of thinned oils, enamel and varnish to create physical and visual depth. My brushwork is active and varied, as is my response to the landscape itself. I am interested in abstracting and modifying the image, zooming in to study strata and textural interest; simplifying the image to reduce it to the most basic shapes. The challenge, of course is to raise the level of experience above the banal, into which a view so familiar can be easily relegated. I attempt to present a fresh and dynamic vision through a modern technique combined with a classical reverence.
A study of Half Dome in a rosy palette